Livros sensoriais

Boohoo tarde!

Hoje eu queria falar um pouquinho sobre os chamados “livros sensoriais”, que com certeza, são conhecidos por outros nomes também. Em Inglês são conhecidos como “Quiet Book”, que quer dizer em tradução grosseira “Livro do silêncio”, na qual particularmente não gosto dessa nomenclatura e lhe explico o por que:

Os livros sensoriais tem como objetivo estimular a criança não apenas no pensamento lógico-matemeatico, como também na parte de coordenação motora fina. Essa nomenclatura em Inglês, nos da a impressão que este livro tenha sido desenvolvido para que as crianças brinquem sozinhas, deixando os pais em paz,  e para ser sincera, eu acredito que este livro é de uma riqueza inexplicável, que vai muito além de apenas trazer sossego aos pais.

Pois bem, como eu estava falando, livros sensoriais foram desenvolvidos para interagir com as crianças e desenvolver pensamento lógico-matemático, como noções de espaço, ordem, entre outros. Eles são super fofos e são feitos de tecido, podendo ser uma mistura de tecido de patch e feltro, e alguns são feitos em E.V.A…

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>>foto retirada da internet<<

Esse é um bom recurso para professores e também para pais!

O que achou?


What do mangoes and learning have in commom?

I got really inspired by this article at http://www.eduis comparison and I would like to share this interesting point of view with you.

The article compares two things: learning and mangoes. out might be thinking who got this crazy idea of comparing such things, so you can find out next how this comparison works:

“Have you ever tried to eat a mango? Well, it is quite an experience. Though mangos are my favorite fruit, I do not indulge as much as I would like because of the hassle of pealing and then eating it.”

“As you eat the mango, you cannot help but become irrevocably invested in the mango eating process because it gets all over your face and it drips all over your hands and clothes. But each bite is heavenly, and certainly worth it.”

What a genius comparison, really. Most people believe that teaching is easy, but it is really not. Teachers have to face a wide range of obstacles and I believe this comparison fits the most. Like eating a mango, teaching is hard, but at the end it is worth it and pleasurable.

Summit Workshop: Let’s fly to London

Summit held a workshop today called “Let’s fly to London”. It was very nice, but I thought it was a little too fast for my taste. At first I thought it was going to be very boring as the workshop was about the Olympics and its vocabulary. Very well, I thought to myself: “I have nothing to lose, at least it may be a nice experience.” and guess what, I was surprised to see how much I enjoyed it.

I really felt like I was in a school, being taught, but it was nicely done. I enjoyed myself, I had fun and most of all I learned something new. I didn’t get bored and I found the approach quite interesting. Instead of talking about the Olympics and just translating some words, they actually had a song as the key element to teach the vocabulary. We had a chance to check which words we already knew, translate some words that we used later on, filling the gaps while we listened to the song, watched a video, so, for me it was a very positive experience, pity they rushed a little.

Thumbs up for Summit =)